Well-meaning analysts are not enough to help guide the patient through the ups and downs of the treatment process. However, the analyst’s intention of guiding the treatment process into and through the patient’s leading edge, the hoped for generative self object transference, is a powerful factor that may offset the many moments of analytic missteps and misunderstandings. In the context of the analyst understanding the leading edge of the patient’s experience, intention may be the bridge which enables both patient and analyst to find the promised and hoped for experience of a successful therapy. Several case examples which demonstrate these ideas will be presented.
Two Continuing Education Credits

Presenter: Harry Paul
Harry Paul, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City and Chappaqua, New York. He is a Founding Member, Member Board of Directors, Faculty, Training Analyst and Supervisor at TRISP. He is co-author of The Self Psychology of Addiction and its Treatment, co-editor of and author in Intersubjective Self Psychology: A Primer, and authored numerous other papers on self psychology and the therapeutic process.